Projects per year
Organization profile
Organization profile
The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences aims to develop high impact research through projects and publications that gather the results of the joint and individual work of our researchers. The research that is developed mainly in the areas of Public Law and Private Law, highlighting in the first case the research of constitutional law of human rights, environment and criminal law. In the area of private law, the faculty's research has been developed in the areas of civil law with emphasis on family law as well as in the area of consumer law.
Along with the lines of research developed so far, the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences seeks to continue strengthening various aspects of them and to open new lines of research into collaborative methods of conflict resolution and the philosophical foundations of legal institutions. We are currently exploring the development of interdisciplinary projects with other areas of knowledge that will allow us to obtain new approaches and advances in the scientific knowledge of law together with other disciplines of knowledge.
The growth of research in the Faculty has been considerable in quality and quantity. The results of academic productivity show that in the period 2017-2022 there were a total of 106 publications of which 62 correspond to articles of various indexation and 44 to books and book chapters compared to the publications of the period 2012-2016 where 23 articles and 6 books were counted. In the last period, the Law Department has hosted three Fondecyt projects (one on water law and two on criminal law) and currently adds a ring project related to water law. It also has five internal research projects in different areas of public and private law.
The Faculty always seeks to ensure that research has an impact on teaching, linkage with the environment and the development of graduate programs, the research of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences has a direct impact on undergraduate and graduate programs. Regarding the training of undergraduate students, most of the research conducted has a direct impact on the classes given by researchers, serving as teaching material for core courses or specialized electives. Likewise, following the lines of research, the Faculty has postgraduate programs in coherence with its lines of research.
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Claudio Andrés Arqueros Villa
- Universidad San Sebastián - Docente Investigador
- Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales - Docente Investigador
- Sede Santiago - Docente Investigador
Person: Researcher
Viviana Del Carmen Blanco Castro, PhD
- Universidad San Sebastián - Docente Investigador
- Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales - Docente Investigador
- Sede Concepción - Docente Investigador
Person: Researcher
Tatiana Andrea Celume Byrne, PhD
- Universidad San Sebastián - Investigador
- Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales - Investigador
- Sede Santiago - Investigador
Person: Researcher
FONDECYT I-11240813: La teoría del precio justo y sus implicancias normativas para el derecho privado
Reyes Barros, J. A. (PI)
20/05/24 → 14/03/27
FONDECYT R-1240803: Entre la unión americana y la rivalidad nacional: intelectuales, sociedad civil y opinión pública en el Pacífico sur, 1856-1883
Cid Rodríguez, G. P. (PI) & Ibarra Cifuentes, P. (CoI)
Agencia Nacional de Investigaci?n y Desarrollo
01/04/24 → 31/03/28
FONDECYT R-1241957: La “invención literaria” del derecho público chileno: circulación de ideas, producción de autoridad y construcción de Estado en manuales de Derecho Constitucional, Derecho Administrativo y Derecho de Gentes publicados en Chile durante el siglo XIX
Muñoz León, F. J. (PI) & Aguilar Peña, P. F. (CoI)
Agencia Nacional de Investigaci?n y Desarrollo
01/04/24 → 31/03/27
¿Diplomacia pública o propaganda cultural? Gran Bretaña en América Latina durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La red de sociedades anglófilas en Chile
Pérez Castro, R. I., 2024, In: Cuadernos de Historia Cultural. 12, p. 106-136 30 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open Access -
¿Existe alguna relación necesaria entre filosofía del derecho y derecho comparado?
Reyes, J., 2024, Estudios de derecho comparado. Gatica, M. P., Gutiérrez, A., Ithurria, M. J., Morales, M. E. & Wegmann, A. (eds.). Tirant lo Blanch, p. 227-243 16 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
¿Plaza Baquedano o Plaza de la Dignidad? Monumentos, espacio público y disputas sobre el pasado en el ‘estallido social’ chileno
Cid Rodríguez, G. P., 2024, Pasado presente. Historia, memoria y política en América Latina (siglo XXI) . Wasserman, F. (ed.). Madrid: Sílex, p. 277-307Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
El valor del agua: Perspectivas de investigación
Pozo Gallardo, K. A., Aybar Lagos, M. A., Rodríguez López, L., Manzano Iturra, K. I., Celume Byrne, T. A. & Medina Salas, D. A.
1 Media contribution
Cristian Medina: “La historia de Chile no solo se escribe en Chile”
1 Media contribution
Profesora Karen Manzano: La evolución de las relaciones entre Chile y Argentina a través de una mirada geopolítica
1 Media contribution