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Se calcula en función del número de publicaciones almacenadas en Pure y de citas de PlumX
Se calcula con base en el n.º de publicaciones almacenadas en Pure y citas de Scopus

Resultados de investigaciones por año

Perfil personal

Research interests

My research interests include modelling of brain dynamics at different scales, the study of brain oscillations and their functionality in the brain. My research involves using experimental and modelling tools with the aim of contributing to the enhancement of sensory stimulation techniques. My current Project is related to the modelling of brain signals during periodic stimulation.  

Personal profile

Dra. Mónica Otero completed her PhD in Electronic Engineering at the Technical University Federico Santa María (UTFSM). Upon completion, she was research Assistant at the Advance Center of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (AC3E), and she got a Fondecyt Postdoctorate funding to carry out research on the entrainment of brain oscillations. She was lecturer on Computers Programming at the University of Valparaiso and at the UTFSM teaching Electronic Bioengineering. Currently, she is an associate researcher at the Basal Center Ciencia & Vida and Academic Investigator at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design of the University San Sebastián (Santiago de Chile).


Dra. Mónica Otero is graduated in Computer Science at the University of Havana. After that she got a PhD in Electronic Engineering at the Technical University Federico Santa María. She teaches Applied Programming at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design of the University San Sebastián (USS). She is part of the lecturers at the PhD program on Computational Biology (USS) in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science course. She is also part of the lecturers at the course of Biomedicine at the PhD program in Cellular Biology and Biomedicine (USS).

Experiencia relacionada con los ODS de las Naciones Unidas

En 2015, los estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas acordaron 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) para erradicar la pobreza, proteger el planeta y garantizar la prosperidad para todos. El trabajo de esta persona contribuye al logro de los siguientes ODS:

  • ODS 3: Salud y bienestar

Posiciones externas

Basal Center Ciencia & Vida, Fundación Ciencia y Vida, Santiago, Chile

2022 → …

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