The current line of research is Neuromanagement and Neuromarketing. He has developed research in robotics and operations in underground mining and strategic and operations management in ports.
In addition, it participates in the Engineering Prospective Commission 2030 of the Institute of Engineers of Chile: “Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0”, with a multidisciplinary team of engineers, businessmen and academics, who has worked for more than two years on the development of a project and a book that addresses the prospects of engineering in the following decades, in various sectors of activity: Engineering Education, Energy, Mining, Transportation, Agribusiness and Food, Manufacturing, Digital Economy, Digital Infrastructure, Health, Resilient Cities, Cities Smart and Digital State.
Graduated Electrical Engineer at the University of Santiago de Chile. She obtained the Diplome d´Etudes Approfondis in Electronics and the degree of Docteur Ingénieur at the University of Paris XI, France. She was professor and Director of the School of Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University Finis Terrae UFT. She was professor, Academic Vice Rector and Director of the Industrial Engineering Department, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Santiago de Chile. She was also Director of the Master of Science Engineering Program and Header of Management Area of the Industrial Engineering Department at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at University of Chile. Her main research interest is in Business Strategy, Operations Management, Knowledge Management. She has participated in several national and international research projects in the fields of Robotics, AGV and Virtual Operation Systems in underground mining, also in ports. She has published many papers in conference proceedings and international indexed journals in the areas of Robotics, Knowledge and Operation Management, and Neuromanagement. She has participated in the organization of national and international Conferences (ACCA, LCA, LCR, SEPROSUL, ICPR, CESA, IEEE ICA-ACCA, ITQM). Past-president of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control ACCA and National Councilor, President of the Education Committee and past Vice President of the College of Engineers of Chile. She participated as an institutional accreditation evaluator at the CNA, Chile and CEAB accreditation (Washington Accord) to engineering programs, Canada. She was member of the accreditation board and now she is member of the Directory of Acredita CI.
Since August 2022, she has worked as a teacher in the Business Intelligence subjects of the Industrial Civil Engineering major and in the Operations Management subject in the Industrial Engineering major in the Advance program. He also guides two degree projects in Industrial Civil Engineering and two Master's theses in Industrial Engineering. Operations management is a key subject in student training and business intelligence has emerged as a highly sought-after line of specialization in productive and service companies.
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):