Temporal evolution of the structure of tailings aggregates flocculated in seawater

Williams H. Leiva, Phillip D. Fawell, Christian Goñi, Norman Toro, Ricardo I. Jeldres*

*Autor correspondiente de este trabajo

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

10 Citas (Scopus)


Mineral processing produces large volumes of dilute tailings that are flocculated and thickened, returning water to the process. The drive towards more sustainable processing has seen seawater considered to replace fresh water usage and an increased focus on how flocculation conditions can influence the fractal-like aggregates formed. The fragility of such structures and the likelihood that they change with time makes their study challenging. A synthetic tailings slurry of quartz and kaolin in seawater was flocculated at different mixing times and flocculant dosages, with aggregate size monitored over time by focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) and hindered settling rates determined after set reaction times. A model relating hindered settling rate to size as estimated by FBRM was used to derive an aggregate fractal dimension (Df) at each time. With flocculation at typical tailings solids concentrations rapid, aggregate breakage will normally dominate after very short reaction times. Under mild mixing conditions, settling rates are higher than expected from sizes measured in real time due to aggregate growth continuing after mixing ceases, leading to inflated Df estimates. An apparent decline in Df under more intense mixing was consistent with an increased presence of high aspect ratio (low effective porosity) aggregate fragments, supported by in situ aggregate imaging at different reaction times. In contrast, the observed trends for a reduction in Df with mixing intensity and an increase with dosage are both thought to represent the expected aggregate structure changes for the synthetic tailings. While estimating aggregate structural properties by relating FBRM sizes to settling rates can offer useful insights, it is important to recognise the aggregation state observed by FBRM under mixing applied to induce flocculation may differ from that which exists during hindered settling. Values of Df derived in this manner must therefore be viewed with caution.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo106708
PublicaciónMinerals Engineering
EstadoPublicada - 2021
Publicado de forma externa

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© 2020 Elsevier Ltd

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