Proyectos por año
Perfil de la organización
Perfil de la organización
Fundación Ciencia & Vida is a nonprofit institution aimed at improving the social and economic development of Chile through scientific discovery, entrepreneurship and education in the biological sciences.
We have created a unique environment where scientists, entrepreneurs, students and communicators interact promoting scientific knowledge, discovery and development in the life sciences.
Since its creation, the Fundación has focused on the following goals:
- Building knowledge by carrying out intramural research and development programs. These activities are carried out in close collaboration with the private biotechnology sector
- Building capacities through the active training of students and our participation in the University undergraduate and Ph.D. programs in Biotechnology, Computational Biology and Immunology and Microbiology. These activities also include international Courses and Workshops and the development of educational programs on biotechnology for opinion leaders, politicians and the general public
- Building global resources through the establishment of effective networks with local and international scientists and centers of excellence. As part of our international collaboration activities, the Foundation annually organizes the "Science and Friendship: The North Meets the South" Program in which professors and doctoral students from the University of California at San Francisco carry out scientific activities with students and researchers from our Foundation and Associated Centers. Also, the Foundation has established a collaboration networks with UCSF in the USA and the Curie Institute in France.
- Building awareness for science and technology through unique outreach programs to opinion leaders and community at large and the development of multimedia and other educational products and programs in biotechnology and biomedicine for college and school students and the community at large. This is done through our Eureka Program.
- Building the framework for science and technology based-innovation through participation in governmental and private initiatives.
Our Lines of Research include:
- Cancer Immunotherapy
- Neuroimmunology
- Autoimmunity and Tolerance
- Bioinformatics
- Microbiome and immunity
- Neurodegeneration and stress response
- Development of anti-viral strategies
- Extracellular Vesicles and Cancer
- Epigenetics and cell regulation
- Protein Traffic and cell signaling in Cancer
- Ecophysiology of Extremophiles
- Muscular Dystrophy and Translational Medicine
- Biophysics of Macromolecules
Huella digital
Colaboraciones y áreas de investigación principales de los últimos cinco años
Andrea Amelina Albornoz, PhD
- Universidad San Sebastián - Investigador (a)
- Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia - Investigador (a)
- Fundación Ciencia para la Vida - Investigador (a)
- Sede Santiago - Investigador (a)
Persona: Researcher
Simón Rodrigo Beard Borquez, PhD
- Universidad San Sebastián - Docente Investigador (a)
- Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia - Docente Investigador (a)
- Fundación Ciencia para la Vida - Docente Investigador (a)
- Sede Santiago - Docente Investigador (a)
Persona: Researcher
Vincenzo Andrés Borgna Christie, PhD
- Universidad San Sebastián - Docente Investigador (a)
- Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia - Docente Investigador (a)
- Fundación Ciencia para la Vida - Docente Investigador (a)
- Sede Santiago - Docente Investigador (a)
Persona: Researcher
FONDECYT E-13240042: Collective Mind: from computational modeling to computational sociology. Unveiling the Role of Self and Situational Awareness in Agent-Based Systems (ABSs).
Perez Acle, T. O. (Investigador principal), Otero Ferreiro, M. (Director adjunto), Martín Martín, A. J. (Coinvestigador), Alfaro, P. (Coinvestigador) & Olivi, A. (Coinvestigador)
03/11/24 → 02/11/28
PCI-FOVI240247: Red de Colaboración en Inmunología e Inmunoterapia entre Francia, Argentina y Chile
Lladser Caldera, Á. F. (Investigador principal) & Rosemblatt Silber, M. C. (Coinvestigador)
17/10/24 → 16/10/25
FONDEF-TA24I10051: A new strategy to prevent disease caused by hantaviruses in Chile: virus-like particles (VLPs) containing stabilized spikes as an immunogen for the development of a prototype vaccine against Andes virus (ANDV).
Tischler, N. (Investigador principal), Muena, N. A. (CoPI) & Albornoz, A. A. (Coinvestigador)
01/10/24 → 30/09/28
Producción científica
Socioeconomic status correlates with COVID-19 vaccination coverage among primary and secondary students in the most populated city of Chile
Guerrero-Araya, E., Ravello, C., Rosemblatt Silber, M. C. & Perez-Acle, T., 2025, En: Scientific Reports. 15Producción científica: Contribución a una revista › Artículo › revisión exhaustiva
Khaleque, H. N., Vergara, E., Holmes, D. & Watkin, E., 2024, Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria. p. 1-8 8 p. (Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria).Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congreso › Capítulo › revisión exhaustiva
Acidithiobacillia class members originating at sites within the Pacific Ring of Fire and other tectonically active locations and description of the novel genus ‘Igneacidithiobacillus’
Arisan, D., Moya-Beltrán, A., Rojas-Villalobos, C., Issotta, F., Castro, M., Ulloa, R., Chiacchiarini, P. A., Díez, B., Martín, A. J. M., Ñancucheo, I., Giaveno, A., Johnson, D. B. & Quatrini, R., 2024, En: Frontiers in Microbiology. 15, 1360268.Producción científica: Contribución a una revista › Artículo › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto
- 1 Participar en una conferencia, taller, etc.
Neuroendocrine Integration of Appetite and Metabolism
Kerr Fuentes, B. D. (Organizador), Navarro, V. (Participante), Scherer, P. E. (Participante), Matus Montero, M. S. (Participante) & Lee Liu, D. N. (Participante)
2023 → 2023Actividad: Participar en un evento u organizarlo › Participar en una conferencia, taller, etc.
Prensa/Medios de comunicación
Inteligencia Artificial en el centro del debate: Expertos USS analizan los alcances y los desafíos éticos
1 Contribución del medio de comunicación
Prensa/medios de comunicación
Report Summarizes Sjogren's Syndrome Study Findings from University of Chile (The integrated stress response is activated in the salivary glands of Sjogren's syndrome patients)
1 elemento de Cobertura del medio de comunicación
Prensa/medios de comunicación