Se calcula con base en el n.º de publicaciones almacenadas en Pure y citas de Scopus
Se calcula con base en el n.º de publicaciones almacenadas en Pure y citas de Scopus
Se calcula con base en el n.º de publicaciones almacenadas en Pure y citas de Scopus

Resultados de investigaciones por año

Perfil personal

Personal profile

Ph.D. Claudia Barría-Sandoval completed her undergraduate training in Nursing at the Andrés Bello University, Chile; where she obtained an International Mobility Scholarship to obtain a double degree in Nursing at the European University of Madrid, Spain. In her Postgraduate training, she completed a Master's Degree in Public Health and Health Management, University of Valencia, Spain; and Doctorate in Nursing, University of Concepción, Chile. In the field of research, she has developed various publications, book chapters, projects, among others; in the area of ​​Epidemiology, Chronic Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases and Palliative Care. In the clinical professional area she has worked in the Intensive Care Unit, Ward and Sterilization Unit, Specialty Unit, and Management. In the area of ​​teaching she has been in charge of Undergraduate and Postgraduate subjects at different Universities. In 2023 she joined the academic area of ​​the Nursing Career at the Faculty of Health Care Sciences, Universidad San Sebastián, Concepción, Chile.


He currently works as a Research Professor teaching classes in Nursing Career subjects at the Faculty of Health Care Sciences, San Sebastián University, Concepción, Chile, such as: Epidemiology, Research I, Research II, Oncology Nursing, among other.

Research interests

The lines of research in which he works are related to the topics of Nursing, Public Health, Epidemiology, Palliative Care and Chronic Diseases. He participates as an external collaborating researcher in the Research Center on Comprehensive Community Care and Health Education (NICCES), Universidad de las Américas, Chile. In the last 5 years he has managed various projects as principal investigator and collaborator. Likewise, he has generated indexed publications and book chapters, presentations at National and International Congresses. At the national level he collaborates with researchers from the University of Concepción and University of the Americas. In the international arena he collaborates with researchers from the Central University of Ecuador, National University of Colombia, Autonomous University of Nuevo León Mexico.

Experiencia relacionada con los ODS de las Naciones Unidas

En 2015, los estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas acordaron 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) para erradicar la pobreza, proteger el planeta y garantizar la prosperidad para todos. El trabajo de esta persona contribuye al logro de los siguientes ODS:

  • ODS 3: Salud y bienestar

Huella digital

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  • 1 Perfiles similares

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