Francisco Javier Zamorano Mendieta, PhD

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

Francisco Zamorano Mendieta's research interests and lines of investigation focus on cognitive neuroscience, quantitative neuroimaging, and brain modulation. His work explores biomarkers in advanced imaging, the neurobiological mechanisms of social cognition, and brain networks associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. Additionally, he investigates the integration of technologies such as fMRI and EEG to understand cognitive and emotional processes and their application in developing clinical tools. He also addresses the impact of cognitive training on sports performance and the study of brain networks related to social cohesion and human behavior.

Personal profile

Francisco Zamorano Mendieta is a distinguished researcher and academic in cognitive neuroscience and medical imaging. Holding a Doctorate in Medical Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, he worked for nearly 10 years at Universidad del Desarrollo, focusing on social neuroscience and quantitative imaging biomarkers. Since 2023, he has been a faculty member at the School of Health Sciences at Universidad San Sebastián. His research lines include cognition, social neuroscience, and advanced neuroimaging technology. An active member of the RSNA, he has led FONDECYT projects and holds a patent in neuroimaging.


Francisco Zamorano Mendieta has taught and supervised theses in Medical Technology at Universidad San Sebastián, integrating his expertise in neuroimaging and quantitative biomarkers into advanced medical imaging analysis. He has designed an elective course for the Master’s and Doctorate programs in Psychology, incorporating his research in cognitive neuroscience and brain modulation. His teaching is deeply influenced by his projects involving advanced technologies such as fMRI and EEG, enabling students to apply this knowledge in clinical and research settings, thereby strengthening interdisciplinary and evidence-based training in health and applied neuroscience.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

External positions

Unidad de Imágenes Cuantitativas Avanzadas (UNICA), Clínica Alemana de Santiago, Santiago, Chile

2019 → …

División de Neurociencia, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile



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  • Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis

    Wannan, C. M. J., Nelson, B., Addington, J., Allott, K., Anticevic, A., Arango, C., Baker, J. T., Bearden, C. E., Billah, T., Bouix, S., Broome, M. R., Buccilli, K., Cadenhead, K. S., Calkins, M. E., Cannon, T. D., Cecci, G., Chen, E. Y. H., Cho, K. I. K., Choi, J. & Clark, S. R. & 227 others, Coleman, M. J., Conus, P., Corcoran, C. M., Cornblatt, B. A., Diaz-Caneja, C. M., Dwyer, D., Ebdrup, B. H., Ellman, L. M., Fusar-Poli, P., Galindo, L., Gaspar, P. A., Gerber, C., Glenthøj, L. B., Glynn, R., Harms, M. P., Horton, L. E., Kahn, R. S., Kambeitz, J., Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L., Kane, J. M., Kapur, T., Keshavan, M. S., Kim, S. W., Koutsouleris, N., Kubicki, M., Kwon, J. S., Langbein, K., Lewandowski, K. E., Light, G. A., Mamah, D., Marcy, P. J., Mathalon, D. H., McGorry, P. D., Mittal, V. A., Nordentoft, M., Nunez, A., Pasternak, O., Pearlson, G. D., Perez, J., Perkins, D. O., Powers, A. R., Roalf, D. R., Sabb, F. W., Schiffman, J., Shah, J. L., Smesny, S., Spark, J., Stone, W. S., Strauss, G. P., Tamayo, Z., Torous, J., Upthegrove, R., Vangel, M., Verma, S., Wang, J., Rossum, I. W. V., Wolf, D. H., Wolff, P., Wood, S. J., Yung, A. R., Agurto, C., Alvarez-Jimenez, M., Amminger, P., Armando, M., Asgari-Targhi, A., Cahill, J., Carrión, R. E., Castro, E., Cetin-Karayumak, S., Mallar Chakravarty, M., Cho, Y. T., Cotter, D., D’Alfonso, S., Ennis, M., Fadnavis, S., Fonteneau, C., Gao, C., Gupta, T., Gur, R. E., Gur, R. C., Hamilton, H. K., Hoftman, G. D., Jacobs, G. R., Jarcho, J., Ji, J. L., Kohler, C. G., Lalousis, P. A., Lavoie, S., Lepage, M., Liebenthal, E., Mervis, J., Murty, V., Nicholas, S. C., Ning, L., Penzel, N., Poldrack, R., Polosecki, P., Pratt, D. N., Rabin, R., Eichi, H. R., Rathi, Y., Reichenberg, A., Reinen, J., Rogers, J., Ruiz-Yu, B., Scott, I., Seitz-Holland, J., Srihari, V. H., Srivastava, A., Thompson, A., Turetsky, B. I., Walsh, B. C., Whitford, T., Wigman, J. T. W., Yao, B., Yuen, H. P., Ahmed, U., Byun, A. J. S., Chung, Y., Do, K., Hendricks, L., Huynh, K., Jeffries, C., Lane, E., Langholm, C., Lin, E., Mantua, V., Santorelli, G., Ruparel, K., Zoupou, E., Adasme, T., Addamo, L., Adery, L., Ali, M., Auther, A., Aversa, S., Baek, S. H., Bates, K., Bathery, A., Bayer, J. M. M., Beedham, R., Bilgrami, Z., Birch, S., Bonoldi, I., Borders, O., Borgatti, R., Brown, L., Bruna, A., Carrington, H., Castillo-Passi, R. I., Chen, J., Cheng, N., Ching, A. E., Clifford, C., Colton, B. L., Contreras, P., Corral, S., Damiani, S., Done, M., Estradé, A., Etuka, B. A., Formica, M., Furlan, R., Geljic, M., Germano, C., Getachew, R., Goncalves, M., Haidar, A., Hartmann, J., Jo, A., John, O., Kerins, S., Kerr, M., Kesselring, I., Kim, H., Kim, N., Kinney, K., Krcmar, M., Kotler, E., Lafanechere, M., Lee, C., Llerena, J., Markiewicz, C., Matnejl, P., Maturana, A., Mavambu, A., Mayol-Troncoso, R., McDonnell, A., McGowan, A., McLaughlin, D., McIlhenny, R., McQueen, B., Mebrahtu, Y., Mensi, M., Hui, C. L. M., Suen, Y. N., Wong, S. M. Y., Morrell, N., Omar, M., Partridge, A., Phassouliotis, C., Pichiecchio, A., Politi, P., Porter, C., Provenzani, U., Prunier, N., Raj, J., Ray, S., Rayner, V., Reyes, M., Reynolds, K., Rush, S., Salinas, C., Shetty, J., Snowball, C., Tod, S., Turra-Fariña, G., Valle, D., Veale, S., Whitson, S., Wickham, A., Youn, S., Zamorano, F., Zavaglia, E., Zinberg, J., Woods, S. W. & Shenton, M. E., 2024, In: Schizophrenia Bulletin. 50, 3, p. 496-512 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • Functional Dizziness as a Spatial Cognitive Dysfunction

    Breinbauer, H. A., Arévalo-Romero, C., Villarroel, K., Lavin, C., Faúndez, F., Garrido, R., Alarcón, K., Stecher, X., Zamorano, F., Billeke, P. & Delano, P. H., 2024, In: Brain Sciences. 14, 1, p. 1-23 23 p., 16.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Patients recovering from COVID-19 who presented with anosmia during their acute episode have behavioral, functional, and structural brain alterations

    Kausel, L., Figueroa-Vargas, A., Zamorano, F., Stecher, X., Aspé-Sánchez, M., Carvajal-Paredes, P., Márquez-Rodríguez, V., Martínez-Molina, M. P., Román, C., Soto-Fernández, P., Valdebenito-Oyarzo, G., Manterola, C., Uribe-San-Martín, R., Silva, C., Henríquez-Ch, R., Aboitiz, F., Polania, R., Guevara, P., Muñoz-Venturelli, P. & Soto-Icaza, P. & 1 others, Billeke, P., 2024, In: Scientific Reports. 14, 1, 19049.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • The parietal cortex has a causal role in ambiguity computations in humans

    Valdebenito-Oyarzo, G., Martínez-Molina, M. P., Soto-Icaza, P., Zamorano, F., Figueroa-Vargas, A., Larraín-Valenzuela, J., Stecher, X., Salinas, C., Bastin, J., Valero-Cabré, A., Polania, R. & Billeke, P., 2024, In: PLoS Biology. 22, 1, e3002452.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Country-level gender inequality is associated with structural differences in the brains of women and men

    Zugman, A., Alliende, L. M., Medel, V., Bethlehem, R. A. I., Seidlitz, J., Ringlein, G., Arango, C., Arnatkevičiūtė, A., Asmal, L., Bellgrove, M., Benegal, V., Bernardo, M., Billeke, P., Bosch-Bayard, J., Bressan, R., Busatto, G. F., Castro, M. N., Chaim-Avancini, T., Compte, A. & Costanzi, M. & 63 others, Czepielewski, L., Dazzan, P., de la Fuente-Sandoval, C., Forti, M. D., Díaz-Caneja, C. M., Díaz-Zuluaga, A. M., Plessis, S. D., Duran, F. L. S., Fittipaldi, S., Fornito, A., Freimer, N. B., Gadelha, A., Gama, C. S., Garani, R., Garcia-Rizo, C., Campo, C. G., Gonzalez-Valderrama, A., Guinjoan, S., Holla, B., Ibañez, A., Jackowski, A., Leon-Ortiz, P., Lochner, C., López-Jaramillo, C., Luckhoff, H., Massuda, R., McGuire, P., Ivanovic, D., Miyata, J., Mizrahi, R., Murray, R., Ozerdem, A., Pan, P. M., Parellada, M., Phahladira, L., Ramirez-Mahaluf, J. P., Reckziegel, R., Marques, T. R., Reyes-Madrigal, F., Roos, A., Rosa, P., Salum, G., Scheffler, F., Schumann, G., Serpa, M., Stein, D. J., Tepper, A., Tiego, J., Ueno, T., Undurraga, J., Undurraga, E. A., Valdes-Sosa, P., Valli, I., Villarreal, M., Winton-Brown, T. T., Yalin, N., Zamorano, F., Zanetti, M. V., Veda, C., Winkler, A. M., Pine, D. S., Evans-Lacko, S. & Crossley, N. A., 2023, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120, 20, e2218782120.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    26 Scopus citations