Alfredo Antonio Gorrochotegui Martell, PhD

Full Professor

    1996 …2023

    Research activity per year

    Personal profile

    Research interests

    Pedagogical leadership skills. Pedagogical leadership. Educational leadership. School address. Inspiring biographies for school management. Gabriela Mistral as educator and school director.

    Personal profile

    He completed his doctorate in Education at the University of Navarra, Spain. Then he returned to his country, Venezuela, to collaborate with two universities where he dedicated himself to research in pedagogical leadership, with a focus on the management function of educational centers. At the same time, he developed research in the development of leadership competencies for educational managers and school and university educators. Later, he settled in Chile where in two universities he has maintained research in the development of leadership skills in educators and schools, being invited to offer classes and conferences to university institutions in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay.


    At the USS it offers the “Pedagogical Leadership” branch within the Master's Degree in Senior Management and Management of Educational Institutions that is offered at all its locations. At the same time, it offers courses related to the Ethics of the teaching profession and Philosophical Anthropology. Her latest research in educational management has focused on the national figure Gabriela Mistral, who, as a teacher and school director, left an important legacy of educational theory and practice that has allowed her to offer greater depth and inspiration to the country's future educational managers in training.

    Education/Academic qualification

    Master, Historia, Universidad de los Andes Chile

    … → 2018

    PhD, Educación, University of Navarra

    … → 1996

    Bachelor, Licenciado en Educación, mención Ciencias Pedagógicas., Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

    … → 1992

    External positions

    Universidad de los Andes Chile


    Universidad de los Andes Chile


    Cargo USS

    • Académico (a) Regular


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