Ítalo Joaquín Payacán Payacán, PhD

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

He received his Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Chile. His research has focused on the study of Andean magmatic systems through the investigation of the plutonic record. He has published several scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, contributing to the discussion on the mechanisms of magma reservoir construction, the timescales of their assembly and their role in the evolution of the Earth's crust. With years of experience as a university professor, he excelled in the Geology Department of the Universidad Mayor for 5 years. He is currently a research professor in Mining Engineering career at the Universidad San Sebastián.


As Professor associated to the Civil Engineering in Mining Career, part of the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design of the Universidad San Sebastián, he teaches the courses of General Geology. In addition, he is the coordinator of the courses of the Geology line between different campuses. His research on igneous systems and the evolution of the Earth's crust enriches the teaching with updated and multidisciplinary knowledge. He also collaborates in the thesis projects of senior students, integrating research and professional practice through his experience in magmatic systems associated with metal deposits.

Research interests

His research focuses on igneous petrology and understanding the evolution of trans-crustal magmatic systems. By combining geological, geochemical, geochronological, and magnetic techniques, he aims to contribute to understand the emplacement and differentiation of magma reservoirs in the Earth's crust, many of which are associated with ore deposits. His research aims to provide constraints on the cooling and emplacement timescales of these reservoirs, the origin of silica-rich magmas, and the plutonic-volcanic connection. In addition, he has recently presented initiatives to apply magnetic studies to the mineralogical characterization of mine tailings and other related materials.

External positions

Escuela de Geología, Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile


Jerarquía Académica

  • Profesor Asistente

Línea de Investigación

  • Línea de Investigación


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