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FONDECYT P-3240288: Desarrollo de una Tecnología Electroquímica Microbiana con el uso de un agua residual doméstica salina como una fuente alternativa de amonio para inducir la precipitación de Cobalto y Níquel
Ñancucheo Cuevas, I. P. (CoPI) & Torres, F. (PI)
15/03/24 → 14/03/27
Project: Research
FIA-PYT-2023-0706: Kit Nano-Genosensor para diagnóstico en terreno de tuberculosis bovina: Un nuevo gold standard
Oyarzún Cayo, P. A. (PI)
18/12/23 → 17/12/25
FONDEF-ID23I10005: Producción de un biofertilizante de liberación lenta de apatita recuperada de relaves mineros
Ñancucheo Cuevas, I. P. (PI), Canales Valenzuela, C. M. (CoPI), Recio Sánchez, G. (CoI) & Alsina Corvalán, M. A. (CoPI)
29/06/23 → 30/06/25
FONDECYT R-1231260: Association between olfactory capacity and body mass index in adolescents: mediation by eating behaviors traits
Obregón Rivas, A. M. (PI) & Oyarce Merino, K. A. (CoI)
15/04/23 → 15/03/26
Project: Research
FONDECYT R-1230553: Nanoarchitectonics for the functionalization of urinary catheters with 2D TMDC nanomaterials: antibacterial surfaces for the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections
Recio Sánchez, G. (CoI) & Hernández-Montelongo, J. (PI)
15/04/23 → 15/03/27
Project: Research
FONDECYT R-1230089: Mine impacted water treatment using membrane biofilm reactorsand membrane filtration
Aybar Lagos, M. A. (CoI), Ñancucheo Cuevas, I. P. (CoI) & Schwarz, A. (PI)
01/04/23 → 31/03/27
Project: Research
FONDECYT R 1230412: Fine tunning synthesis of CuS nanoparticles from acid mine drainage using biogenic H2S
Recio Sánchez, G. (PI)
15/03/23 → 15/03/27
Project: Research
FONDECYT I-11230092: Development of probabilistic live load models for Chilean bridges
Aguilar Vidal, V. H. (PI)
15/03/23 → 14/03/26
Project: Research
FIC-R-BIP 40035951-0: Transferencia reciclaje de agua residual: economía circular de P
Ñancucheo Cuevas, I. P. (PI), Canales Valenzuela, C. M. (CoI), Recio Sánchez, G. (CoI) & Schwarz, A. (CoI)
02/09/22 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
FONDECYT R-1221434: Engineering peptide-capped gold nanoparticles to improve their cellular uptake and intracellular delivery of population-specific T-cell epitopes: Paving the road toward multi-epitope nano-vaccines against emerging viral diseases
Oyarzún Cayo, P. A. (PI), Guzmán-Gutierrez, E. (CoI) & Díaz García, V. M. (PI)
01/04/22 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
FONDECYT R-1221508: Local metabolic signals produced by tanycytes modulate short- and long-term feeding behavior
Oyarce Merino, K. A. (CoI), García-Robles, M. D. L. Á. (PI), Elizondo-Vega, R. (CoI) & Tarifeño Saldivia, E. S. (CoI)
01/04/22 → 31/03/26
Project: Research
FONDECYT R-1221604: The role of bioreactor biofilms in enhanced arsenic recovery from acidic mine process water
Ñancucheo Cuevas, I. P. (PI), Aybar Lagos, M. A. (CoI) & Vera Véliz, M. A. (CoI)
01/04/22 → 30/03/25
Project: Research